Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey there

Just figured I would check in. I'm still alive and haven't gone off the deep end,lol. My last post was in January and all in all, things have been ok. I ended the relationship with Gwen for good a long time ago. We still talk from time to time, but its strictly as friends. I noticed I received quite a few comments from my "wake up call" post, mostly negative, but it's cool, its just others opinions and they are entitled to them.
My grandfather is in the nursing home still and I'm sure will be there until it is his time. We had a close call about a month or 2 ago and basically everybody went and said their goodbyes, but he pulled through. I do worry about my grandmother though and how she will deal with the inevitable. I have a feeling she still thinks he will miraculously get 100% and return home, but I'm afraid its just not gonna happen. I need to go visit him more, but its really hard for me to see him in the state he is in. Maybe I'm in denial of my own. Anyhow, I'm still living at their house and overall its not too bad. I still plan on getting my own place sometime this summer though.

Relationship wise...I took 2 months off from dating after the gwen thing ended and it felt great. That was the longest I have gone without being in a relationship in as long as i can remember. I admit, it wasn't always easy, but it was necessary.Then sometime in March, I met a girl. I'll write more on that tomorrow...