Monday, May 14, 2007

The estimate

Today was pretty good overall. I was really tired though. I try to take my Trileptal around 8 or so, but didn't take it until close to 10pm last night. I ended up taking 3 naps as a result. Oh well, its nice to not have school for a few weeks. Speaking of school, I got my grades for this last semester and got a B in math and an A in English. I have no idea how that happened but I was happy. I was thinking I would get 2 C's.
I had planned to go with my uncle today to get an estimate from the body shop on his car. I woke up and remembered I had a side job and also needed to take my daughter to her therapist appointment, so I figured I would go with him on Wednesday. I get out of bed and the first thing my grandma says is "are you going to be able to see about the car today?" I know my grandma means well, but it really annoyed me for some reason. Instead of blowing up, I was calm about it. I called my ex wife and arranged for her to take my daughter to her appointment and my uncle and I went to get an estimate after my job. I was expecting the damage to only be a few hundred dollars, but I was wrong. They ranged from $550 to $835. I knew there was no way I could pay this out of pocket.
It's funny just how fast my mind works. Once I heard what the estimates were, my brain started racing. Instead of analyzing the situation, I immediately went extreme. I though, great I'm going to have to quit school for the summer, quit my job and get a full time job. All this happened within a few seconds. Anyway, I came back down to earth and I let my ex know the damage. She finally told me it was okay to use the insurance to cover it, but she would be dropping the insurance afterwards. Thats a huge weight off my shoulders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be so proud of your accomplisment. It's amazing what we can do when we are aware that we may outburst anything. Glad everything work out ok in the end.
PS Congrats on your grade!
Nad xx