Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The new approach

Still engaged, still happy. I decided that to resist any sort of temptation, I'm going to go through my phone, delete the numbers of girls that are not just friends and then change my phone number. Now I know you are probably thinking that I should be able to control myself, but honestly its not always that easy. In the past, if there was an argument with my girlfriend, I would go through my list and call someone up. This made me feel a little better initially, but then the guilt would set in and I'd be miserable.

I'm also trying a new approach to how I look at her. Instead of putting her so high on a pedestal and making her unreasonably perfect, I have realized that she is human, she has faults, she is not perfect, just like me. Hopefully this will prevent me from devaluing her the minute she says or does the wrong thing.

If there is one area that I think could potentially cause problems it will be with our children. By our children, I mean my kids and her son. We both have very different way of raising them. For example, I make sure my kids are in bed by 9pm at the latest. With her, their are times when she will call me at 11pm and they are at the grocery store. I think most of this is due to the fact that she is a single mom and since she works full time, its just not that easy to do what she needs to do alone. I'm sure we will work out some sort of compromise later on down the road.


Unknown said...

The ring is beautiful. It seems very sudden.

nadcesca said...

I think that your way of resisting temptation is ok, you do what you have to do. The fact that you are trying hard to find solution to change is a proof that you are taking action of your life and slowly taking the path toward recovery. Keep the good work.

As for the kids problems, as long as you respect each other there will always be a way to deal with the difference of way you are raising your kids. But I would slowly approach the subject to make sure it is open on her part. You don't want to waste time in a relation that is going no where once you find a big obstacle that you both can't agree how to overcome it!

me said...

Thanks Adrian. Yeah I guess it is pretty sudden. I mean I have known her/dated her for the last year, but only started talking again a week or so. I jokingly mentioned that we should get married and to my surprise she said okay, wheres my ring? The rest is history.

Lets face it, I am addicted to women.I think the only way to "cure" it, aside from therapy of course, is to cut off all connections. That is my theory at least, hopefully it works.

As far as the kids, she actually is very open about it. We talked for a good hour last night and she was asking my opinion on what she can do to get her son to listen more and to go to bed earlier. I think we will be just fine. Believe me, if not, you all will be hearing about it!